Since common sense is no longer common, some basic ground rules are apparently necessary.
This site is in its entirety for information purposes only! This is an attempt to understand a little bit of science – biology, biochemistry, human metabolism, etc. It is certainly NOT medical advice (I am NOT a doctor), and absolutely should not be confused as such! Any concepts, options, or tools that I may describe should be verified with a qualified medical professional before implementation to address any risks or side effects, especially pertaining to metabolic changes affecting any medications. Personally, I employ a heavy BS filter when reading anything on the internet, and I suggest that you do the same. If you are unsure of the accuracy of some information, then a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and mechanisms may shine light on what might be closer to the truth.
This site IS information on a variety of topics that may have an impact on your health, so basically giving you more knowledge and tools that exist, and an idea of what they could be useful for. A hammer could be used to build a house or to tear one apart. Understanding how to use certain tools is a subject where professional assistance could be of benefit, and sometimes even of critical importance. Now, finding knowledgeable professionals… not so easy, and unlikely to find on the first try, but probably worth the effort of a though search.
I have no degree or certifications in the health or biology fields. I’m not a doctor. I’m not a Ph.D. I’m actually an engineer by training, so take what you want of that. I’m simply trying to digest as much high-caliber information as I can handle, and regurgitate it in a fashion that may be more understandable for someone that may not have grad school ambitions. While I have no intention of misleading anyone, I am human, and so I myself am subject to misunderstanding details of such complicated subjects. Science is constantly evolving, and every “truth” has specific context and a half-life. If you find something that’s not quite right, by all means, let me know. Just don’t be a jerk about it.
Conflicts of interest – None. I receive no funding or any other benefit from any of the websites or links that I may provide. If I put them on here, it’s because I like the content and find it useful or interesting.